Choosing a Facilitator

Some events can be organized and facilitated by in-house staff. Other times, an outside facilitator is needed. Make sure you’ve carefully thought through who’s best for the job.

Best Practices

Always consider people outside your usual personal and professional networks.
Limiting a search to the people we already know is a shortcut that should be avoided, especially if we're committed to diversity and inclusion.
Look for a facilitator who reflects the audience in some way, whether it’s demographically, experientially, professionally, or personally.
Perhaps they have a shared identity or a shared experience, such as service in the military.
Hire someone who lives in the area if possible.
This supports the local economy and helps control costs by minimizing travel fees.
Be open to working with an "amateur."
Professional facilitators are great, but they aren't always needed. Other people might have relevant experience that makes them the best candidate.
Offer fair compensation.
Pay market rate whenever possible, or set an honorarium when it isn't. Consider specifying an amount in your budget before you hire someone, to avoid bias.
Sign a contract.
It's always best to have a record of the details in writing.

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