Creating a Tech Sheet

Your tech sheet is a vital tool in event planning—a document developed by you (with input from other stakeholders, such as facilitators) with the venue’s technological restraints and provisions in mind. You’ll need to provide any supplies and resources that the venue lacks. 

Every tech sheet is different. When developing yours, inventory the following:

The facilitator’s technological needs

  • Microphone
  • Speakers
  • Sound board
  • Podium
  • Projector and screen
  • Markers/pens/pencils
  • Paper
  • Dry erase board
  • Props

The venue’s technological capabilities

  • How many outlets are there, and where are they?
  • What can the space physically hold?
  • Equipment
  • Acoustics
  • Lighting
  • Table and chair setup
  • Cutlery/tableware provisions
  • Event-specific supplies
  • Wifi access

Event-specific needs

  • Crafting/art supplies
  • Instruments
  • Handouts or worksheets
  • Post-event evaluations (for feedback)
  • Photo release or other permissions needed (from participants)
  • Decorations

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