Girls in Class

Separate but Equal? Race-based Bias in Education

This is the ninth public discussion in our Freedom Stories series. Through performance and conversation with Emmy Award-winning storyteller, Bobby Norfolk; Langston Centre Supervisor, Adam Dickson; and Green McAdoo Cultural Center Director, Adam Velk, we examine the effects of segregation and integration—both positive and negative—on public education in Appalachia and how these still impact society today. The panel is moderated by Dr. Alicestyne Turley, Freedom Stories Project Director.

Closed Captioning is available by clicking the “CC” button on the bottom right of the screen.


Adam Velk


Adam Velk, MA
Adam Velk is the Director of the Green McAdoo Cultural Center (GMCC), a nonprofit organization devoted to honoring and telling the history of the Clinton 12; the first students to...
Bobby Norfolk with Emmy


Bobby Norfolk
Bobby grew up a shy child in North St. Louis with a debilitating stutter. Son of an elevator operator and confectionery clerk, Norfolk’s future was hazy as a poor black...


Adam Dickson, MPA
Adam Dickson was raised in Washington County, Tennessee, graduating from David Crockett High School. He went on to receive his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Carson-Newman University and...

Visit the Appalachian African-American Cultural Center in Pennington Gap, Virginia, a former one-room school house for Black children; the Green McAdoo Cultural Center in Clinton, Tennessee, dedicated to telling the story of the Clinton 12; and the Langston Centre in Johnson City, Tennessee, a former Black high school-turned-multicultural center, as we hear from former students, current leaders, and community members about these important historical sites and the legacies they hold.

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